Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today Landis smiled at me about 6 times. I know it was a real smile because it was 3 in a row each time. You could almost see the thought process she was going through as she tried to smile. It was so cute. The first time it was just she and I sitting in the glider, the second time my friend Erin had dropped by and she did it again. Three in a row:) It was the cutest thing ever.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My first....

Well today Landis took her first bottle from Nana Peggy. Mom, that's me, was out of the house on a walk with Papa Norman. Landis is growing so fast I think she is up to 9 lbs and she is doing great. She sleeps, eats and has a couple alert periods a day. She also has one fussy period a day but it is mostly cute and not too frustrating. She saves it up until the end of the day most of the time so the girls are down and I can focus on her 100% which makes her, and me, happy. I wonder if it is something I eat, since there could be a lot of offenders in the list of beans and green vegetables that I consume. Also I have been guilty of a shot of espresso every few days, I know, I know but sometimes I think I really need it;) I am starting back into my exercise routine this week so hopefully that will replace the espresso, or it may cause me to want more, LOL!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The little chunk

We all had a late and long night last night. Someone in the house picked up a stomach bug, lucky for us it seems to be the twelve hour bug. Piper had it overnight which was better than Lela's day and into the night version. Jason took charge of Lela and slept with her in the guest room while I kept little Landis far away in our room. Funny thing is that Landis had a projectile stomach emptying session at 3AM so vomit was in the bed anyway:) LOL! I think she was just overfull, she does that sometimes.

But the whole point of the post is that while I was changing/cleaning her up last night or early this morning I should say, I noticed how chunky she has become. I mean she has rolls on her legs and a big beautiful face and jowl:) It is hard to believe how quickly she has transformed into a healthy beautiful baby. She looks more like Piper in the face now and she has Lela's build. It will be interesting to see how she continues to grow.

To Moby or To Maya

Okay so we are doing the whole babywearing thing and I really like it. Landis likes it the most since it means that she is worn around by mommy for most of the day. Nothing like being close to food and a warm beating heart all day:0) We should all be so lucky. I LOVE my moby wrap, the only thing is that is not quick to get on. It only takes about 20 seconds or so but once I get all wrapped I don't want to unwrap. The Maya wrap is definitely the quicker carrier but so far we have not found a comfortable position for both of us. I think as she continues to grow she (and I) will find a comfortable carrying position but until then I think Moby wins.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Doctor's Visit

Well we went to the doctor today for our 1 month check up. It went really well. Landis has moved from two ticks below the lowest line on the growth chart to the 10th percentile for height and weight! Yeah for us. She is now 20 inches long and 7lb6oz. The doctor is very happy and impressed with her weight/height.

I talked to her about the nursing as well. After our one solid 3 hour night we have had several 1 hour nights and last night was no exception. Seems like you get a two hour nap then you are up and eating almost every hour. Of course I am feeding on demand since my main concern is your growth. Well meaning friends say that maybe I am doing it to much and creating a little feeding monster:) But the doctor thinks that you are just trying to catch up and that all your nursing is nutritive and if I can keep it up then I should. So we will keep at it and as soon as you finish catching up, then we will work on a schedule or at least stretching out those feedings a bit.

On a side note you can now see everything. You can't track voices or people but you can see us. That was abundantly clear yesterday as you stared at yourself in your little mirror and this morning as you gazed up at your Daddy. Hopefully now that you can see us you will like this crazy family you have joined.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Solid three hour night

Last night Landis did what she normally does during the day, she slept in three hour increments! Well really 2 hours 30 min or so but with the nursing it was 3 hour shifts. That is what I told her to do when we went to bed at 10:30 but little did I know she would actually do it:)

Also after the nighttime routine Landis has started to have an alert period that lasts a good 45 min or so every morning. The girls love it because she looks at them and Piper makes sure to get in to her field of vision if she can't or won't turn her head towards her.

I don't know what she weighs but she is definitely getting bigger. She is out of her preemie clothes, they still fit but are snug, and is starting to fill out her newborn togs. The preemie clothes did not last long but it is nice to have clothes that actually fit your baby, it makes them look less scrawny:)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Last night

So we are working on our nighttime routine, which really doesn't exist. I let Landis nurse whenever she wants during the day and night but I don't think I do as good a job at night because I am half unconscious. So Jace is helping me and last night went pretty good. She ate at 10:15, 1:15, 3:15 and 6:15. Jason took her from 3:45 to 6:15 and kept her happy and sleeping, he was sleeping off and on while he held her. I was happily dreaming away and waking only when she squeaked, but Jace was an ol' pro and was able to get her right back to sleep.

We even went out to breakfast this morning which was great. I am using a Moby wrap and I love it, Landis seems to like it too. I just wear her everywhere we go and I keep her swaddled most of the time we are out and about, it seems to keep her calm and asleep. I have these great wraps from Kiddopotomas that swaddle her up and I can even use them in her carseat which is great. All in all she is a dream child just like her sisters were.