Saturday, October 6, 2007

Welcome baby Landis!

For the past few weeks you have been working me over with doctor's appts. Seems like you just don't want to grow. We would go for stress testing on Tuesday's, OBGYN appt on Wednesdays and ultrasounds on Fridays. In between sometimes we would even see a specialist on Thursdays. Every time the diagnosis was the same, small baby, can't tell why everything looks normal. So we would just rinse, recycle and repeat the next week a whole slew of tests.

Finally my appt came with my doctor and they decided to do an amnio to see if your lungs were mature. Seems like you had slipped from the 10% for growth to the 7% and that is when the doctors start to worry. So your dad and I went to the doctor early on Friday morning leaving your sisters with Grammy and Grampy. We waited, laughed, joked with the nurses and finally the doctor decided to go ahead and do the amnio. They took a needle and poked it into mommy's tummy and into the sac that you were in and took out some fluid. Then they tested that fluid to see if your lungs were mature. After waiting most of the day we got the good news, your lungs were mature so you were ready to join the family.

So that night your dad and I checked into the hospital at 8PM. They started working on me to get me all ready for the surgery where the doctor was going to take you out. The surgery was supposed to be at 10:30PM but another mom needed to get into the operating room first so we waited. Finally at around 11PM your dad and I headed into the operating room. At 11:49 on Sep 28th you were born. Your dad and I were so happy and you were happy too. It turns out that you had flipped and flopped so much in mommy's tummy that you had tied a knot in your cord and that is the reason you could not grow.

Your dad and I loved you from the moment you were conceived and are so happy that you are here to join us and your sisters. Welcome Landis Olivia Haslup!