Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Doctor's Visit

Well we went to the doctor today for our 1 month check up. It went really well. Landis has moved from two ticks below the lowest line on the growth chart to the 10th percentile for height and weight! Yeah for us. She is now 20 inches long and 7lb6oz. The doctor is very happy and impressed with her weight/height.

I talked to her about the nursing as well. After our one solid 3 hour night we have had several 1 hour nights and last night was no exception. Seems like you get a two hour nap then you are up and eating almost every hour. Of course I am feeding on demand since my main concern is your growth. Well meaning friends say that maybe I am doing it to much and creating a little feeding monster:) But the doctor thinks that you are just trying to catch up and that all your nursing is nutritive and if I can keep it up then I should. So we will keep at it and as soon as you finish catching up, then we will work on a schedule or at least stretching out those feedings a bit.

On a side note you can now see everything. You can't track voices or people but you can see us. That was abundantly clear yesterday as you stared at yourself in your little mirror and this morning as you gazed up at your Daddy. Hopefully now that you can see us you will like this crazy family you have joined.

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