Sunday, October 21, 2007

Last night

So we are working on our nighttime routine, which really doesn't exist. I let Landis nurse whenever she wants during the day and night but I don't think I do as good a job at night because I am half unconscious. So Jace is helping me and last night went pretty good. She ate at 10:15, 1:15, 3:15 and 6:15. Jason took her from 3:45 to 6:15 and kept her happy and sleeping, he was sleeping off and on while he held her. I was happily dreaming away and waking only when she squeaked, but Jace was an ol' pro and was able to get her right back to sleep.

We even went out to breakfast this morning which was great. I am using a Moby wrap and I love it, Landis seems to like it too. I just wear her everywhere we go and I keep her swaddled most of the time we are out and about, it seems to keep her calm and asleep. I have these great wraps from Kiddopotomas that swaddle her up and I can even use them in her carseat which is great. All in all she is a dream child just like her sisters were.

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