Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The little chunk

We all had a late and long night last night. Someone in the house picked up a stomach bug, lucky for us it seems to be the twelve hour bug. Piper had it overnight which was better than Lela's day and into the night version. Jason took charge of Lela and slept with her in the guest room while I kept little Landis far away in our room. Funny thing is that Landis had a projectile stomach emptying session at 3AM so vomit was in the bed anyway:) LOL! I think she was just overfull, she does that sometimes.

But the whole point of the post is that while I was changing/cleaning her up last night or early this morning I should say, I noticed how chunky she has become. I mean she has rolls on her legs and a big beautiful face and jowl:) It is hard to believe how quickly she has transformed into a healthy beautiful baby. She looks more like Piper in the face now and she has Lela's build. It will be interesting to see how she continues to grow.

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